The use of dogs as teachers and therapists aids in the spotting of blockages and barriers that would otherwise remain undetected. The result being a more complete procedure that allows for deeper-lying problems to be tackled. In addition working with dogs offers other advantages: • Dogs are friendly and cuddly. This creates a safe environment in which the
participants are more open and get more in touch with themselves. • Dogs need care. This activates the participants’ sense of responsibility and
keeps the focus from being unilaterally on the participants themselves. • Dogs need guidance. Through this participants discover their assertiveness
and leading abilities • Dogs are loyal and neither condemn nor judge. This makes the participants
more at ease faster and arises an atmosphere of trust.
For every participant a personalised programme is developed.
Besides theoretical knowledge, exercises are to be accomplished and the participant may be assigned a dog for a limited period for which he or she will
be responsible.
The evaluation of these activities will provide insight in the participant’s own behaviour as well as the dog’s.