The Doctor Dog Fountation helps people who are engaged in the effort by Dutch authorities, to see them re-accessing the labour market through the Reintegration and On-the-Job Training projects (Re-integratie en leer/werktrajecten).
This involves hard-to-place jobless people, generally on benefits and people in (officially recognised) On-the-Job Training projects (leerwerktrajecten).
The objective is participation in the labour market and where possible active participation in society. In addition we have room for especially vulnerable people in the so-called Accomodation and Care Jobs (Opvang- en zorgbanen).
In cooperation with the Collusie Foundation (Stichting Collusie) and the Energy Reduction Centre (Energiebesparingscentrum), a number of routes have been developed which offer various possibilities: in the administrative, ICT, financial and sustainability sectors.
People who have been out of work for years and are coming out of isolation have often developed an attitude which, without realising it themselves, holds back their acceptance, their own evolvement and course to regular jobs.
From the basic thought that every being can be rehabilitated and dogs are a mirror of every persons inner being, stable dogs are used to provide people with insight concerning their charisma and effect on others.